Petra is driven as a designer to develop consistent and striking visual narratives throughout her work. Her effective design communication stems from strong research that gains her deep understanding of a topic, creating a variety of different thinking avenues. This helps develop strong narratives, encased in meaning and purpose.

Mae Petra yn ddylunydd brwdfrydig, yn datblygu naratifau gweledol cyson a thrawiadol trwy gydol ei gwaith. Mae ei chyfathrebu dylunio effeithiol yn deillio o ymchwil cryf sy'n rhoi dealltwriaeth iddi o bwnc ac yn creu amrywiaeth o ffyrdd meddwl gwahanol. Mae hyn yn helpu i ddatblygu naratifau cryf, wedi'u hamgáu mewn ystyr a phwrpas.

Inspired by the phrase ‘zest for life’, Petra’s pro-ageing campaign ‘Zest,’ targets Gen Z as her predominant audience, an age group Petra describes as “particularly fearful of the ageing process.” The project navigates the stigmas associated with ageing and creates a positive perception of the process as a “natural” and “positive experience”. Petra shows that experiences in life, from ‘small moments,’ to bigger milestones, should be celebrated as a positive attribute of growing older.

Wedi'i hysbrydoli gan yr ymadrodd 'zest for life,' mae ymgyrch pro-heneiddio Petra, 'Zest,' yn targedu Gen Z fel ei chynulleidfa bennaf, grŵp oedran y mae Petra yn ei ddisgrifio fel "yn arbennig o ofnus o'r broses heneiddio." Mae'r prosiect yn llywio'r stigma sy'n gysylltiedig â heneiddio, gan greu canfyddiad cadarnhaol o'r broses fel 'profiad' naturiol a chadarnhaol. Mae Petra yn dangos y dylai profiadau mewn bywyd, o 'fomentau bach' i gerrig milltir mwy, gael eu dathlu fel priodoledd cadarnhaol o heneiddio.