Dylan Ditchfield is a Warrington-based graphic designer, photographer & videographer who has specialised in digital arts for the last six years, selling zines worldwide, producing promotional videos for live clients, and curating brand strategies for companies.

Mae Dylan Ditchfield yn ddylunydd graffig, ffotograffydd a fideo-graffydd o Warrington sydd wedi arbenigo mewn celfyddydau digidol am y chwe blynedd diwethaf. Mae wedi gwerthu zines ledled y byd, cynhyrchu fideos hyrwyddo ar gyfer cleientiaid byw, a churadu strategaethau brand ar gyfer cwmnïau.

Dylan’s final project: ‘INVERT,’ destigmatises scootering through a showcase of the history and culture of the sport, challenging stereotypes associated with the community. Dylan creates a space where young people can learn and engage with the sport in a positive way and provides the opportunity for his audience to share personal experiences and develop a deeper understanding of the sport.

Mae prosiect olaf Dylan, 'INVERT,' yn ddadstigmaiddio sgwtio trwy arddangos hanes a diwylliant y gamp, ac yn herio stereoteipiau o fewn y gymuned. Mae Dylan yn creu lle lle gall pobl ifanc ddysgu ac ymgysylltu â'r gamp mewn ffordd bositif ac yn darparu'r gallu i'w gynulleidfa rannu profiadau personol a datblygu dealltwriaeth ddyfnach o'r gamp.