Evan Prichard is a multifaceted creative based in Brighton and Cardiff. Embedded in the core Embedded in the core of his practice, Evan explores and investigates societal issues faced in different pockets of the globe and brings these issues to light through compelling design responses. Evan has worked within a plethora of mediums throughout his time as a designer and does not limit himself when responding to creative briefs. Outside of university, Evan created the clothing brand Northstar in 2021 with a group of friends, designing his own range of clothes and working to contribute towards a sustainable and circular economy.

Mae Evan Prichard yn greadigol amryddawn sy'n byw ym Mrighton a Chaerdydd. Wedi'i wreiddio yn greiddiol yn ei ymarfer, mae Evan yn archwilio ac yn ymchwilio i faterion cymdeithasol sy'n wynebu gwahanol rannau o'r byd ac yn tynnu sylw at y materion hyn trwy ymatebion dylunio grymusol. Mae Evan wedi gweithio mewn amrywiaeth o gyfryngau trwy gydol ei yrfa fel dylunydd ac nid yw'n cyfyngu ei hun wrth ymateb i friffiau creadigol. Y tu allan i'r brifysgol, crëodd Evan y brand dillad Northstar yn 2021 gyda grŵp o ffrindiau, gan ddylunio ei ystod ei hun o ddillad a gweithio i gyfrannu tuag at economi gynaliadwy a chylchlythyr.

Evan’s final project investigates the history and culture behind youth subcultures, taking his audience on a journey through the second-half of the 20th century. Evan’s experimental editorial builds conversation and nostalgia, inviting his audience to share their own personal experience and build upon the narrative. Evan pays homage to fashion tropes through history and the non-conformity deep-rooted in teen culture.

Mae prosiect olaf Evan yn ymchwilio i hanes a diwylliant isddiwylliannau ieuenctid, gan fynd â'i gynulleidfa ar daith trwy ail hanner yr 20fed ganrif. Mae golygyddol arbrofol Evan yn adeiladu sgwrs a hiraeth, gan wahodd ei gynulleidfa i rannu eu profiad personol eu hunain ac ychwanegu at y naratif. Mae Evan yn talu teyrnged i dueddiadau ffasiwn trwy hanes a'r anwastadrwydd sydd wedi'i wreiddio'n ddwfn mewn diwylliant arddegol.